Three-parent babies simply explained

Image credit: sscreations at Long time ago when I was still a biology student, no one was interested in mitochondria, or thought they had anything to do with creating healthy eggs and babies. Twenty years fast forward and I have to explain mitochondria in every second blog post. What mitochondria have to do with three-parent babies The [...]

Three-parent babies simply explained2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

CoQ10 and egg quality

  CoQ10 is improving egg quality by affecting energy status of women's eggs. Image credit: dream_designs at CoQ10 is a naturally occurring nutrient that is needed for energy production. CoQ10 has potent antioxidant properties and cell membrane stabilizing properties, which make it beneficial for egg quality. CoQ10 works within the mitochondria (the cellular power [...]

CoQ10 and egg quality2018-01-02T20:45:56+01:00
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