Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? Which practices are used to increase the chances of having twins?

Some years back while I was trying to get pregnant with my first child, I participated in Qi-Gong classes with a group of women who dealt with infertility. Once a week after our Qi-Gong session, we would go out for a drink afterwards and update each other on the progress of our fertility journeys. I remember I once said [...]

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? Which practices are used to increase the chances of having twins?2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

My week at Dexeus, one of the top fertility-clinics in Europe

My mother was born here. I was born here. My two daughters were born here, says Sofia Veiga, international manager at the Dexeus Clinic for Women's Health with lots of emotion in her voice. This is how people normally talk about dear places from their childhood, but rarely about a university clinic, right? But Dexeus, in Barcelona, is an [...]

My week at Dexeus, one of the top fertility-clinics in Europe2017-10-13T12:01:40+01:00

In a conversation with two egg donation experts

  Dexeus is known for the first egg donation in 1981. A few months back, I was lucky to meet several dedicated doctors and biologists from Dexeus clinic in Barcelona at a conference for Reproductive Medicine in Germany. I used this opportunity to make an interview with the two specialists and forward questions to them [...]

In a conversation with two egg donation experts2017-11-06T13:42:49+01:00

Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No?

Image credit: atibodyphoto at FreeDigitalPhotos.net The moment a woman has one or two unsuccessful series of  IVF behind her, she becomes ready to do anything, really anything to make the next IVF cycle work. Many of the women I talk to have a long history of fertility treatments, so the question that often comes up is [...]

Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No?2017-10-13T12:01:40+01:00

Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why

Photo courtesy: jesadaphorn at FreeDigitalPhotos.net There are people in this world such as fertility specialists on CHR (Center for Human Reproduction in New York) who are true magicians in making women pregnant and who really understand the issues surrounding low ovarian reserve or bad egg quality in women over forty. So when they say that the [...]

Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00

New IVF treatment: 2015 brings the first AUGMENT-baby

Image credit: africa at FreeDigitalPhotos.net I had to sit down as I read this: According to Allied Market Research, the IVF market is supposed to grow from $9.3 billion in 2012 to $21.6 billion in 2020. Can you imagine so many billions? The report is based on the calculations of the average IVF cost being over $10,000, which is true and I [...]

New IVF treatment: 2015 brings the first AUGMENT-baby2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

First baby born from rejuvenized eggs in Toronto

Image credit: stuart miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Still don't know who Zain Rajani is? The little baby is already a historical figure and has a good chance to come into the textbooks quite soon. Why? He’s the world’s first baby born following an innovative procedure being hailed as a game-changer in the treatment of infertility. The question of whether [...]

First baby born from rejuvenized eggs in Toronto2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How to trust in your eggs and get pregnant naturally after 35

Image courtesy: stuart miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net I always feel sad when I see women abandoning natural methods of improving egg quality only because they entered fertility treatments, or losing faith in their bodies once they turned 35 or have been trying to get pregnant longer than a few months. There's really no need to. After having researched the [...]

How to trust in your eggs and get pregnant naturally after 352017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00
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