Diagnosed with low ovarian reserve? A little story about how this blog started.

Image courtesy: jscreationzs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Getting pregnant always looked like something that happens easily, so I've spent decades believing that (and doing everything possible to make it not happen). When I only think of all the sex I did not enjoy because I was subconsciously busy calculating my fertile days and obsessing about condoms not being [...]

Diagnosed with low ovarian reserve? A little story about how this blog started.2017-10-13T12:01:41+01:00

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know

Antral follicle count is a reliable readout of how active your ovaries are. Together with AMH and FSH, antral follicle counts adds a precious information to what exactly the time is on your personal biological clock and how many eggs you have left. You can then build on this information yourself and adjust your life habits so as to give to [...]

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Mothers at 35 plus: What medicine and society still need to learn about them

My grandmother delivered my dad after she turned 40. My dad was her tenth and last child (seven of ten survived to adulthood). Since my grandma's oldest daughter was already married, everyone in the small village in the Balcan mountains considered it shameful for my grandma to give birth to a baby at a time when she was [...]

Mothers at 35 plus: What medicine and society still need to learn about them2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?

Image courtesy: marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Of course, I was occasionally taking anti-pain medications during the time I was trying to conceive. I mean, who doesn't? Though I am generally trying to avoid any medications as much as possible, I sometimes do get headaches (or toothaches!) that can't be relieved without reaching for the ibuprofen. But was [...]

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Have a question for me? Meet me via Skype or e-mail!

Dear ladies, thank you very much for your letters, questions and support. Each one of your voices and your comments over the past years has helped me to build a better website. For that I feel very grateful. But most of all, thank you for letting me have a glimpse of many of your fertility journeys and asking for my [...]

Have a question for me? Meet me via Skype or e-mail!2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

The damaging effects of sunshine on fertility?

Image credit: sakhorn38 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net The Damaging Effects of UV Light on Fertility? I've seen the title last week and instincivelly did not like it at all. After having spent over a decade in vitamin D research, I became convinced that the root of many health problems derive from the fact that people are getting too little sunshine and not too [...]

The damaging effects of sunshine on fertility?2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How to increase fertility with vitamin D

Image credit: marcolm at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Vitamin D deficiency is one of the leading dietary deficiencies worldwide. It is especially prevalent among women and children. Vitamin D deficiency affects every 1 out of  3 women in the reproductive years of 19 to 45. Depending on your skin color, amount of time you spend outdoors and the latitude [...]

How to increase fertility with vitamin D2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

The most natural way to improve egg quality goes like this

Image courtesy: kamnuan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net If you are over 35 or trying to get pregnant for a longer time (or both!), you probably wonder whether there is anything you could do in order to boost your egg quality. Are there any foods or supplements which women can take for a certain time which will help them improve [...]

The most natural way to improve egg quality goes like this2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00
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