A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility? Image courtesy: marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Of course, I was occasionally taking anti-pain medications during the time I was trying to conceive. I mean, who doesn't? Though I am generally trying to avoid any medications as much as possible, I sometimes do get headaches (or toothaches!) that [...]

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?2021-05-25T07:24:29+01:00

Five simple lifestyle interventions which will protect your fertility and egg health

Image courtesy: radnatt at FreeDigitalPhotos.net If I had to pick only five lifestyle interventions in terms of being simple to implement and bringing immediate and measurable benefits to women over 35 who are trying to get pregnant, these would be: 1. Stop smoking. Smokers are 30 percent less fertile than non-smokers and three times more likely [...]

Five simple lifestyle interventions which will protect your fertility and egg health2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00

About Ana who pissed me off (but then got pregnant anyway)

Ana (the name changed) is one of the readers of my blog who managed to get pregnant by changing her diet and taking supplements to improve egg quality. What makes Ana special is that at our first contact she managed to really piss me off. Her first email to me went like this: I have found your blog [...]

About Ana who pissed me off (but then got pregnant anyway)2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?

Image courtesy: marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Of course, I was occasionally taking anti-pain medications during the time I was trying to conceive. I mean, who doesn't? Though I am generally trying to avoid any medications as much as possible, I sometimes do get headaches (or toothaches!) that can't be relieved without reaching for the ibuprofen. But was [...]

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

As long as there is ovulation, there is a hope!

Image courtesy: sattva at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Poor egg quality is the most common cause of age-related infertility. Makes sense, right? Your eggs were all there as you were yourself still a fetus in your mom's belly at 4 months! I think it's a HUGE wonder that anything as sensitive as an egg survives that many decades and still keeps [...]

As long as there is ovulation, there is a hope!2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Do fertility apps work? Not really and here is why

  Image courtesy: stuart miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Someone I know in Berlin is developing a new fertility-app. She runs a dynamic young start-up and is a welcome guest at all kinds of digital health meetups. Because healthcare is going digital and digital healthcare is going mainstream. So the last time we met, Ms.Start-up asked me whether I [...]

Do fertility apps work? Not really and here is why2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How eating paleo diet may help you get pregnant

Paleo and Mediterranean eating styles could be beneficial when trying to get pregnant Paleo nutrition - a realistic way to increase egg health? In short, “paleo” is translated from the Greek word, palaios, meaning “ancient” or “very old.” As a nutritional style, it represents the entire food spectrum eaten by our ancestors throughout the Stone Age (this [...]

How eating paleo diet may help you get pregnant2017-10-13T12:01:47+01:00
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