Image courtesy: suat eman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Just yesterday I got a following email. I’m taking a quote out it, to illustrate something I often get to hear:
I have found your blog in Internet and I have been reading it nonstop for 2 days. It is very interesting and enriching, thanks a lot for this information! And thank you again for your work!
I think the knowledge you are spreading is very valuable. I think I am a highly educated person with quite a good understanding of biology, and even for me it was a surprise that at 40 you have almost no eggs left. Somehow with all these celebs getting pregnant at 45 we all lose a sense of reality. So, I guess spreading the knowledge about fertility is extremely important.
So why don’t women know more about their eggs? How can we justify not knowing more about our own biology?
Why do we easily get blinded by all these celebrities getting pregnant in their mid-40es? Only because we so desperately want it to be true?
And how could it happen to me that I got a PhD in cell biology and still let my eggs almost dissapear before I tried to get pregnant for the first time (I wrote about it in details in my e-book)?
Knowing more about eggs from early age on would enable women to love, cherish, and support their uniqueness and maximize and strengthen their fertility before it inevitably fades away.
Eggs are, in many ways, not unlike other cells in the body. They utilize exactly the same kind of energy molecules to live, grow, and mature. While doing all that, eggs remain in constant and intensive communication with both their proximate and distant environment.
This means that it is actually the brain and not the eggs, that tightly regulates egg functioning by releasing hormones that switch the ovaries to “go” and tell the eggs to start maturing for ovulation after having rested since the time you were born.
On the other side, eggs are unique in that they are the only kind of cells in the body capable of starting a new life! Contrary to other cells, eggs cells don’t differentiate to take on any specific role in our body – their inner program remains open and harbors all the templates needed to create a new human being. In that sense, eggs are the ultimate stem cells.
I am sure, if men had eggs, we would get to hear about them much more.
Without an egg, there is no embryo, no fetus, and no baby.
Nothing in terms of creating a new life happens without eggs. The chicken or the egg dilemma has never really existed.
Every woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. For that reason, the importance of caring about eggs cannot be stressed enough.
We need to teach young girls how to take care of their eggs. There is no need for anyone to find out at 35 or 40 that the eggs are gone to never be back, or that some eggs are still there, but it takes time to improve their quality and women in that age may not have that time?
Therefore, women at 40 who wish to enhance their egg heath and get pregnant will need to address several lifestyle areas that support general health while focusing specifically on the metabolic needs of eggs. This includes:
1) Eating organic, nutritious, and fresh food in addition to living a generally healthy, stress-reduced, and pesticide- and pollution-minimized lifestyle.
2) Adapting and tweaking certain lifestyle aspects, such as a supplementation strategy, to specifically target egg health.
3) Allowing enough time to achieve results! Recent studies suggest that a timeframe of 3–6 months needs to be allotted for most women to achieve any significant results (please feel free to email me or join for a Skype chat if you have questions about your individual situation).
For ladies over 40 who don’t have much time to waste, it is important to make changes in their lifestyle early on and adhere to interventions all the way along.
Recently I’ve published an article about how women should know more about their eggs, plus reported on some recent research in reproductive medicine, which is specially relevant for ladies of 40 and above.
The new technique of egg rejuvenation could easily become a real breakthrough in fertility treatments for women over 40 and ladies with compromised egg quality. Please continue reading about it here : Breakthrough Egg Rejuvenation Research Offers Hope To IVF Patients Over 40.
Supplements which are scientifically proven to increase egg quality:
(DHEA, CoQ10, Vitamin D3, Omega-3)
Prenatal vitamins and folic acid (best is to start 3-6 months before you try to get pregnant):
To find out when you ovulate:
Lubricant (swimmer-friendly and not sticky) and early-response pregnancy tests: