Wish to get pregnant faster? Eat mediterranean diet!

Image courtesy of rakratchada torsap at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Countless women of 35 and above worry about how to get pregnant faster. When biological clock starts ticking its last years, women have no choice but to wish to have a first baby quickly, then wait a short time between pregnancies and complete their family as soon as possible. I know [...]

Wish to get pregnant faster? Eat mediterranean diet!2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

Are women over 35 in “advanced maternal age”?

Image by nura sualpradid (FreeDigitalPhotos.net) Did you know that doctors often refer to pregnancies in women of 35 and older as "advanced maternal age"? Sounds more like a diagnosis then a birthday reminder, right? No wonder that most women hate that term and leave it only for the medical community to use it.   While it's [...]

Are women over 35 in “advanced maternal age”?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

How to survive 2-week wait? Get smarter during that time.

Image credit: kangshooters at FreeDigitalPhotos.net When you are trying to get pregnant, you become impatient to see a positive test result. But how to cut anxiety and survive the 2-week waiting time? Wou can shorten waiting time before taking a pregnancy test by: 1) searching for information, 2) searching for emotional support, and 3) doing a [...]

How to survive 2-week wait? Get smarter during that time.2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

How often should couples have intercourse when trying to conceive?

The longer a couple tries unsuccessfully to conceive a baby, the more pressure and anxiety typically infiltrate into their sex life. Some will manage better to keep these feelings under control, but after a certain time almost all couples are asking themselves questions such as: Why are we not getting pregnant? How often should we have sex? What are the best [...]

How often should couples have intercourse when trying to conceive?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

How much being genetic parent really matters?

How far are you ready to go to become a genetic parent? (photo courtesy: David Castillo Dominici/Freedigitalphotos.net Many women know little about their own reproductive systems and are often surprised when infertility issues arise. Often there is time to fix those issues, but even more often, a woman over 35 might find herself running a race [...]

How much being genetic parent really matters?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

Women bear the entire load of infertility on their own back?

No matter which issue related to getting pregnant is discussed: how long should a couple keep trying before visiting a specialist, how to track ovulation, or which foods help to get pregnant - it was only about a dozen of times or less that I've been approached by men to talk about infertility (and almost all belonged to the extended [...]

Women bear the entire load of infertility on their own back?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

How can fertility massage help you get pregnant?

One pleasant way to cut tension while trying to get pregnant is the fertility massage. To apply fertility massage, you can hire a practitioner. Or you can simply watch one of the many good YouTube videos (like one above!) on how to perform a fertility massage. In my opinion, women have a good feeling of their [...]

How can fertility massage help you get pregnant?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00
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