Should women take antidepressants while trying to conceive?

Image courtesy: jomphong at Are antidepressants safe to take during pregnancy? When women hear that I am a cell biologist and have worked in the field of psychiatry for several years, this sort of question often comes up: Are antidepressants safe for women who are trying to conceive? Should I take SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) [...]

Should women take antidepressants while trying to conceive?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

Fertility rates falling in over a half of the countries in the world

According to a number of reports by organizations such as the United Nations and Worldbank, declining fertility is a growing trend for humanity throughout the world. Declining fertility refers to the trend of producing fewer children than are needed to sustain the overall population of a country without help of immigration. Considering rates of early mortality, the current estimate [...]

Fertility rates falling in over a half of the countries in the world2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

Lack of knowledge among women concerning fertility after 35

In a recent article in the Washington Times, Janice Shaw Crouse presented an overwhelming concern regarding a lack of knowledge among women concerning their window of fertility. Crouse went on to explain that attaining an understanding of women’s biological clock is perhaps more important than ever concerning a number of political and cultural factors. Exactly what reproductive research [...]

Lack of knowledge among women concerning fertility after 352017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

New studies about mediterranean diet plus a few more nutrition tips

Image courtesy Keko64 at One simple lifestyle intervention you may want to consider while trying to get pregnant is eating Mediterranean diet. Although the ultimate mechanism behind why Mediterranean diet works needs yet to be determined (please see the original studies below), preliminary data clearly show that couples eating diets high in whole grains, fish fruits and [...]

New studies about mediterranean diet plus a few more nutrition tips2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

How to increase fertility with vitamin D

Image credit: marcolm at Vitamin D deficiency is one of the leading dietary deficiencies worldwide. It is especially prevalent among women and children. Vitamin D deficiency affects every 1 out of  3 women in the reproductive years of 19 to 45. Depending on your skin color, amount of time you spend outdoors and the latitude [...]

How to increase fertility with vitamin D2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

Poor egg quality can be improved

Image courtesy of sommai at Do you have reasons to think you may have poor egg quality? Are you are struggling to conceive due to your age of over 35, high FSH, or any unexplained cause? There is really no need to feel desperate. It is still possible to become pregnant, and the best is that there are [...]

Poor egg quality can be improved2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

The most common sexual fantasies of women over 35

Photo coursesy of adamr at The Internet is full of half-information on biological clocks ticking away the last minutes of child-bearing years. In terms of biology, if this problem were real, women would have evolved physiological mechanisms to help them capitalize on their remaining fertility. In other words, nature must have helped us to develop [...]

The most common sexual fantasies of women over 352017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

The most natural way to improve egg quality goes like this

Image courtesy: kamnuan at If you are over 35 or trying to get pregnant for a longer time (or both!), you probably wonder whether there is anything you could do in order to boost your egg quality. Are there any foods or supplements which women can take for a certain time which will help them improve [...]

The most natural way to improve egg quality goes like this2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00
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