New IVF treatment: 2015 brings the first AUGMENT-baby

Image credit: africa at I had to sit down as I read this: According to Allied Market Research, the IVF market is supposed to grow from $9.3 billion in 2012 to $21.6 billion in 2020. Can you imagine so many billions? The report is based on the calculations of the average IVF cost being over $10,000, which is true and I [...]

New IVF treatment: 2015 brings the first AUGMENT-baby2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

Why women will NEVER talk about not being able to get pregnant with ease

Image courtesy: stock image at About sixteen percent of couples between 20-43 struggle with infertility. If you are older then 35, your chances rise to about 1:3 that you will experience delays in getting pregnant. Over twenty percent of pregnancies of women over 35 end in miscarriage due to diminished egg quality. How many women calculate for this [...]

Why women will NEVER talk about not being able to get pregnant with ease2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

First baby born from rejuvenized eggs in Toronto

Image credit: stuart miles at Still don't know who Zain Rajani is? The little baby is already a historical figure and has a good chance to come into the textbooks quite soon. Why? He’s the world’s first baby born following an innovative procedure being hailed as a game-changer in the treatment of infertility. The question of whether [...]

First baby born from rejuvenized eggs in Toronto2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How to increase egg quality at 40? Understand your eggs first

Image courtesy: suat eman at Just yesterday I got a following email. I'm taking a quote out it, to illustrate something I often get to hear: I have found your blog in Internet and I have been reading it nonstop for 2 days. It is very interesting and enriching, thanks a lot for this information! [...]

How to increase egg quality at 40? Understand your eggs first2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How to trust in your eggs and get pregnant naturally after 35

Image courtesy: stuart miles at I always feel sad when I see women abandoning natural methods of improving egg quality only because they entered fertility treatments, or losing faith in their bodies once they turned 35 or have been trying to get pregnant longer than a few months. There's really no need to. After having researched the [...]

How to trust in your eggs and get pregnant naturally after 352017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How can I improve egg quality? With some time and dedication!

While it’s true that the younger you are, the better quality eggs you have (and with this better chances to get pregnant), it's problematic in our society for a young woman to gather together the resources necessary to raise and provide for a child. More and more we tend to delay finding a permanent mate. Instead, we develop careers, build security, [...]

How can I improve egg quality? With some time and dedication!2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

CoQ10: ubiquinone or ubiquinol to improve egg quality?

Image courtesy: annat ticker at How does CoQ10 help egg quality? Should I use ubiquinone or ubiqunol? These are probably the most common questions I get in the emails from my readers. But let's start from the beginning: Most women ignore the ticking of their biological clocks. To them I say, don't do it, or at [...]

CoQ10: ubiquinone or ubiquinol to improve egg quality?2018-01-02T20:47:50+01:00

Do fertility apps work? Not really and here is why

  Image courtesy: stuart miles at Someone I know in Berlin is developing a new fertility-app. She runs a dynamic young start-up and is a welcome guest at all kinds of digital health meetups. Because healthcare is going digital and digital healthcare is going mainstream. So the last time we met, Ms.Start-up asked me whether I [...]

Do fertility apps work? Not really and here is why2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00
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