What factors affect fertility and eggs as women get older?

  Women put off becoming mothers because they're focused on their careers, working toward advanced degrees, or travelling the world. Or at least that's what the mass media say. I don't think so. Most women over 35 actually hide behind these issues as long as they can because that's what helps them avoid confronting the real #1 problem. [...]

What factors affect fertility and eggs as women get older?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?

Image courtesy: marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Of course, I was occasionally taking anti-pain medications during the time I was trying to conceive. I mean, who doesn't? Though I am generally trying to avoid any medications as much as possible, I sometimes do get headaches (or toothaches!) that can't be relieved without reaching for the ibuprofen. But was [...]

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

How late is NOT too late to start having children?

I just came back from a vacation, where I met a 40-year-old woman who just became a first-time mother. She conceived naturally, on her second date. Both she and her beautiful baby daughter look fabulous and give the impression that becoming a mother at 40 is the most natural thing in the world. And sometimes it is. Why [...]

How late is NOT too late to start having children?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Poor egg quality: Why to NOT be reluctant to use DHEA

Image courtesy of stuart miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Getting emails like this makes me smile every time: Just wanted to thank you again for writing your book and to let you know that my egg quality has definitely improved following your advice in the book. I had my second IVF, and all eggs have fertilised, [...]

Poor egg quality: Why to NOT be reluctant to use DHEA2018-01-10T10:47:31+01:00

5 reasons to NOT wait for one year before visiting a fertility doctor

Photo: Shutterstock Looking back from this perspective, not waiting to see a doctor was one of the best things that happened to me when I was first trying to get pregnant seven years ago. I had such an urge to talk to someone who would understand me that I lied to my doctor that I was trying to [...]

5 reasons to NOT wait for one year before visiting a fertility doctor2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

As long as there is ovulation, there is a hope!

Image courtesy: sattva at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Poor egg quality is the most common cause of age-related infertility. Makes sense, right? Your eggs were all there as you were yourself still a fetus in your mom's belly at 4 months! I think it's a HUGE wonder that anything as sensitive as an egg survives that many decades and still keeps [...]

As long as there is ovulation, there is a hope!2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Eggs And the City is so not Sex And the City!

  Image courtesy: imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Just this morning I've received two similar emails. Each was written by a 37-year old woman, hard working, in a relationship, struggling to get pregnant due to issues with egg quality. The only difference was, the first lady has no eggs left and will have to go for egg donation. The other [...]

Eggs And the City is so not Sex And the City!2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

Delaying childbearing: how old is too old?

Image courtesy: Whitthaya Phonasawath at FreeDigitalPhotos.net The last time I've Skyped with my best friend, I asked her whether she would consider freezing some of her eggs before her 36th birthday comes at the end of the month? Only 10-15 eggs, just to relief stress due to the recent breakup and make sure that she can still get pregnant [...]

Delaying childbearing: how old is too old?2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00
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