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Poor egg quality is the most common cause of age-related infertility. Makes sense, right? Your eggs were all there as you were yourself still a fetus in your mom’s belly at 4 months! I think it’s a HUGE wonder that anything as sensitive as an egg survives that many decades and still keeps a full potential to develop into a new human being.
Even now that I have two healthy children, I keep thinking about that wonder every single day (luckily it’s a source of fascination to me, because how else could I write so much about it?).
But just to make one thing clear: age-related infertility is unavoidable. At some point, women can’t bear children any more and the same will happen to you and me. That fact is very deeply anchored in our genes and is not likely to change any time soon. It also makes sense in evolutionary terms, because what good would it be in women having babies and then not living long enough in order to provide for them and help them grow into adolescents and reach maturity themselves?
What we now know from clinical studies and many years of research in reproductive medicine, is that with a right combination of diet and egg-specific nutritional supplements it is possible to hold back your biological clock. For a short time though, maybe just a few minutes, metaphorically speaking (it really depends on a woman), but that time means a lot once you enter the window of declining fertility and having not too many good eggs left.
What I keep saying is this: any women can improve the quality of her eggs, as long as she is ovulating. Yes – as there is ovulation, there is a hope. So, there are two essential questions you need to answer: 1) do you know how to catch ovulation? 2) What are you doing to maximize the quality of the eggs you have left?
Please continue though other articles of my blog to find out more about how to do that. And thank you for being here, I know there are many other places where you could be right now!
This can help you get pregnant faster, especially if you are over 35 or dealing with infertility:
How to catch ovulation – (I love simple LH-strips but some women prefer digital measuring)
Prenatal vitamins and folic acid (best is to start 3-6 months before you try to get pregnant):