PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) for egg health? Don’t make the lab out of your body!

Image courtesy: jk1991at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Some months ago I was asked for the first time about using PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) to improve egg quality. I was not too surprised, as women often come to me long lists of supplements which they take in hope of improving egg quality and often my consulting work boils down to reducing [...]

PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) for egg health? Don’t make the lab out of your body!2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00

Five simple lifestyle interventions which will protect your fertility and egg health

Image courtesy: radnatt at FreeDigitalPhotos.net If I had to pick only five lifestyle interventions in terms of being simple to implement and bringing immediate and measurable benefits to women over 35 who are trying to get pregnant, these would be: 1. Stop smoking. Smokers are 30 percent less fertile than non-smokers and three times more likely [...]

Five simple lifestyle interventions which will protect your fertility and egg health2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00

What is the value of a human egg? How much would you pay to your egg donor?

Image credit: phaitoon at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Tips on choosing an egg donor Thousands of babies are being born each year as a result of egg donation. In 2013, over 9,500 babies were born thanks to donated eggs. Fifteen years ago (something like middle age of reproductive medicine), egg donation was more a method then a business. At [...]

What is the value of a human egg? How much would you pay to your egg donor?2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00
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