Fish or supplements? How to get enough omega-3 when TTC

When it comes to getting pregnant, there is no magic food that will help turn a bad egg into a good embryo. However, there are types of nutrition that are beneficial and scientifically proven to increase pregnancy chances, such as the Mediterranean diet and the Fertility diet (as published by Harvard researchers in 2008). I've dedicated an entire [...]

Fish or supplements? How to get enough omega-3 when TTC2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

What your mom’s menopause tells about your own fertility

A tricky thing about determining how many eggs a woman has left is combining the findings from your blood work with medical history and physical examination to arrive at a complete picture. Although a simple measure of FSH on cycle day 3 in either a home test or at the doctor's office will give you a rough estimate of what's going [...]

What your mom’s menopause tells about your own fertility2017-10-13T12:01:40+01:00

Should you see an Ob-Gyn (gynecologist) or RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to test ovarian reserve? Common confusions you need to be aware of

How is a woman's fertility tested? Women are born with one to two million eggs. Every day of her life a woman keeps losing eggs—approximately 1,000 each month. Some women are born with fewer eggs and some lose their eggs at a faster rate (there are genetic factors behind this). As women age, various kinds of damage (e.g., [...]

Should you see an Ob-Gyn (gynecologist) or RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to test ovarian reserve? Common confusions you need to be aware of2017-10-13T12:01:40+01:00
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